ArtFolds: Yoda af George Lucas (Bog)

ArtFolds: Yoda af George Lucas (Bog)

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ArtFolds: Yoda af George Lucas (Bog)

Fra 54,00 kr

Yoda and the Force

In Yoda and the Force, Master Yoda, his fellow Jedi Knights, and even a few Dark Lords of the Sith teach about the Force, the struggle between good and evil, and life in a galaxy far, far away. This book follows the Jedi Master and other characters from Coruscant to Dagobah, from Tatooine to Mustafar, and many planets in between where the Force is an energy field that binds the galaxy together - unless it's being used to fight wars!

Titel: ArtFolds: Yoda

Forfatter: George Lucas

Forlag: Simon and Schuster

Sider: 106

Sprog: Engelsk

Stand 60 %
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