Born Again This Way af Rachel Gilson (Bog)

Born Again This Way af Rachel Gilson (Bog)

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Born Again This Way af Rachel Gilson (Bog)
Born Again This Way af Rachel Gilson (Bog) Born Again This Way af Rachel Gilson (Bog)

Born Again This Way af Rachel Gilson (Bog)

Fra 54,00 kr

Coming Out, Coming to Faith, and What Comes Next

Addresses some of the questions raised by Christians with same-sex attraction. As a Christian who experiences same-sex attraction, is it possible to live a life that's both faithful and fulfiling? Rachel Gilson wants to show you that it is and that it's not just a case of limping to the finish line, it's possible to run the race with joy. In this powerful and personal book, she describes her own unexpected journey of coming out and coming to faith... and what came next. As she does so, she addresses many of the questions that Christians living with same-sex attraction are wrestling with: Am I consigned to a life of loneliness? How do I navigate my friendships? Will my desires ever change? Is there some greater purpose to all this? What comes next, and next, and next? Drawing on insights from the Bible and the experiences of others, Born Again This Way provides assurance and encouragement for Christians with same-sex attraction, and paints a compelling picture of discipleship for every believer. Whatever your sexuality, this book is an inspiring testimony of how a life submitted to Jesus will be fulfilling and fruitful, but not always in the ways we might expect.

Titel: Born Again This Way

Forfatter: Rachel Gilson

Sprog: Engelsk

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