Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice af Anthony E. Boardman (Bog)

Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice af Anthony E. Boardman (Bog)

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Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice af Anthony E. Boardman (Bog)
Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice af Anthony E. Boardman (Bog) Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice af Anthony E. Boardman (Bog) Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice af Anthony E. Boardman (Bog)

Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice af Anthony E. Boardman (Bog)

Fra 384,00 kr

Concepts and Practice

Summary: Cost-Benefit Analysis provides accessible, comprehensive, authoritative, and practical treatments of the protocols for assessing the relative efficiency of public policies. Its review of essential concepts from microeconomics, and its sophisticated treatment of important topics with minimal use of mathematics helps students from a variety of backgrounds build solid conceptual foundations. It provides thorough treatments of time discounting, dealing with contingent uncertainty using expected surpluses and option prices, taking account of parameter uncertainties using Monte Carlo simulation and other types of sensitivity analyses, revealed preference approaches, stated preference methods including contingent valuation, and other related methods. Updated to cover contemporary research, this edition is considerably reorganized to aid in student and practitioner understanding, and includes eight new cases to demonstrate the actual practice of cost-benefit analysis. Widely cited, it is recognized as an authoritative source on cost-benefit analysis. Illustrations, exhibits, chapter exercises, and case studies help students master concepts and develop craft skills

Titel: Cost-benefit analysis : concepts and practice

Forfatter: Anthony E. Boardman

Forlag: Cambridge University Press

Udgivelsesår: 2018

Sider: 520

Sprog: Engelsk

Stand 60 %
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