Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog)

Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog)

Husk: Gratis fragt ved køb af 8+ varer

Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog)
Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog) Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog) Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog)
Blandede Disney bøger fra Walt Disney (str. 24 x 17 cm)

Blandede Disney bøger fra Walt Disney (str. 24 x 17 cm)

Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog)

Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog)

Dinosaurs in the Round af Jen Green (Bog)

Fra 54,00 kr

"Explore the dramatic 3-D dioramas in this unique pop-up and discover what life was like during the age of the dinosaurs. Complete with a 24-page book providing background information on the animals and habitats in each diorama. A Design Eye book"--Page 4 of pop-up book

Forlag: Random House Books for Young Readers

Udgivelsesår: 2008

Sprog: Engelsk

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