Fighting Fantasy af Steve Jackson (Bog)

Fighting Fantasy af Steve Jackson (Bog)

Husk: Gratis fragt ved køb af 8+ varer (pakkeshop)

Fighting Fantasy af Steve Jackson (Bog)

Fra 43,00 kr

Titel: Fighting Fantasy af Steve Jackson (Bog)

Forfatter: Steve Jackson

Genre: Fantasy

Forlag: A Puffin Original

Sammendrag: The world of Fighting Fantasy, peopled by Orcs, dragons, zombies and vampires, has captured the imagination of millions of readers world-wide. Thrilling adventures of sword and sorcery come to life in the Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks, where the reader is the hero, dicing with death and demons in search of villains, treasure or freedom. Now YOU can create your own Fighting Fantasy adventures and send your friends off on dangerous missions! In this clearly written handbook, there are hints on devising combats, monsters to use, tricks and tactics, as well as two mini-adventures complete with Games-Master’s notes for you to start with. Fighting Fantasy is the ideal introduction to the fast-growing world of role-playing games, and literally countless adventures await you!

Type: Paperback

Stand 60 %
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