Games of strategy af Avinash K. Dixit (Bog)

Games of strategy af Avinash K. Dixit (Bog)

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Games of strategy af Avinash K. Dixit (Bog)
Games of strategy af Avinash K. Dixit (Bog) Games of strategy af Avinash K. Dixit (Bog) Games of strategy af Avinash K. Dixit (Bog)

Games of strategy af Avinash K. Dixit (Bog)

Fra 384,00 kr

Fifth International Student Edition

Games of Strategy is beloved by students and instructors alike for its flexible organization, focus on problem-solving, and engaging and accessible examples from diverse fields, like political science, biology, and business. The completely revised Fifth Edition adds the work of David McAdams, especially in the areas of market design and auction theory, and provides new insights into diverse applications, such as billion-dollar buy-outs, job offer negotiation, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and collusion in the school milk market.

Game theory means rigorous strategic thinking. It's the art of anticipating your opponent's next moves, knowing full well that your rival is trying to do the same thing to you. Though parts of game theory involve simple common sense, much is counterintuitive, and it can only be mastered by developing a new way of seeing the world. Using a diverse array of rich case studies--from pop culture, TV, movies, sports, politics, and history--the authors show how nearly every business and personal interaction has a game-theory component to it. Mastering game theory will make you more successful in business and life, and this lively book is the key to that mastery

Paperback: 512 sider

Udgiver: W. W. Norton & Company, Incorporated (Januar 2010)

Forfattere: Avinash K. Dixit og Barry J. Nalebuff

ISBN: 9780393337174


Titel: Games of strategy

Forfatter: Avinash K. Dixit

Forlag: W.W. Norton Company

Udgivelsesår: 2021

Sider: 14

Sprog: Engelsk

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