Notes from a Friend af Anthony Robbins (Bog)

Notes from a Friend af Anthony Robbins (Bog)

Notes from a Friend af Anthony Robbins (Bog)
Notes from a Friend af Anthony Robbins (Bog) Notes from a Friend af Anthony Robbins (Bog) Notes from a Friend af Anthony Robbins (Bog)

Notes from a Friend af Anthony Robbins (Bog)

Fra 38,16 kr

Forfatter: Anthony Robbins

Genre: Self-help

Forlag: Pocket Books

Sammendrag: Notes From a Friend is a concise and easy-to-understand guide to the most powerful and life-changing tools and principles that make Anthony Robbins an international leader in peak performance. Based on the concepts and stories in the bestselling Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power, Anthony Robbins shows us how quick and simple it can be to take charge of your life.

Type: Paperback

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