Peak How all of us can achieve extraordinary things af Anders Ericsson (Bog)

Peak How all of us can achieve extraordinary things af Anders Ericsson (Bog)

Husk: Gratis fragt ved køb af 8+ varer (pakkeshop)

Peak How all of us can achieve extraordinary things af Anders Ericsson (Bog)

Fra 59,50 kr

Titel: Peak af Anders Ericsson (Bog)

Forfattere: Anders Ericsson,Robert Pool

Genre: Faglitteratur

Forlag: Vintage

Sammendrag: In this fascinating book, Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool explain that learning new skills doesn’t need to be daunting. Musical prodigies, sports stars and leading scientists acquire their special abilities through training – and all of us can do the same. Based on thirty years of pioneering research, Peak shows that success simply requires the right kind of practice and offers essential advice on setting goals, receiving guidance and motivating ourselves. The astonishing stories prove that whether we’re at work or at school, in the music room or on the sports field, we can master almost anything.

Type: Paperback

Stand 60 %
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