'Potty Training in One Week' af Gina Ford (bog)

'Potty Training in One Week' af Gina Ford (bog)

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'Potty Training in One Week' af Gina Ford (bog)
'Potty Training in One Week' af Gina Ford (bog) 'Potty Training in One Week' af Gina Ford (bog) 'Potty Training in One Week' af Gina Ford (bog)
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'Potty Training in One Week' af Gina Ford (bog)

Fra 54,00 kr

The good news is that toilet training is very easy when you know all the tips and tricks, and there is no need for tantrums or endless hours spent sitting with a toddler who refuses to go potty. Gina Ford will teach you to know when your child is really ready, and most of all how to make potty training fun.

Titel: Potty Training in One Week

Forfatter: Gina Ford

Forlag: Random House

Udgivelsesår: 2006

Sider: 162

Sprog: Engelsk

Stand 60 %
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