Raven Biology of Plants, Af Susan E. Eichorn og Ray Evert, Bog

Raven Biology of Plants, Af Susan E. Eichorn og Ray Evert, Bog

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Raven Biology of Plants, Af Susan E. Eichorn og Ray Evert, Bog
Raven Biology of Plants, Af Susan E. Eichorn og Ray Evert, Bog Raven Biology of Plants, Af Susan E. Eichorn og Ray Evert, Bog Raven Biology of Plants, Af Susan E. Eichorn og Ray Evert, Bog

Raven Biology of Plants, Af Susan E. Eichorn og Ray Evert, Bog

Fra 98,00 kr

Long acclaimed as the definitive introductory botany text, Raven Biology of Plants stands as the most significant revision in the book’s history. Every topic was updated with information obtained from the most recent primary literature, making the book valuable for both students and professionals.

Titel: Biology of plants

Forlag: Worth Publishers

Udgivelsesår: 1999

Sider: 875

Sprog: Engelsk

Stand 60 %
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