Signspotting 2 : more absurd & amusing signs from around the world af Doug Lansky (Bog)

Signspotting 2 : more absurd & amusing signs from around the world af Doug Lansky (Bog)

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Signspotting 2 : more absurd & amusing signs from around the world af Doug Lansky (Bog)

Fra 54,00 kr

So, you're back on the road, it's getting dark and you've lost your spot on the map - this is one way to get off the beaten tourist track ! Unless, of course, you're willing to take directions from the signs found within these covers. Perhaps you fancy a weekend at the George Bush Centre for Intelligence, or are willing to navigate your way around a city despite the Explosion ! signs on every corner. Whatever adventure you're after - whether it be a trip to the Curry Prevention Services Unit in Oregon or the Ha Ha Cemetery in New Brunswick, Canada - let our new collection of signs from around the globe guide, confuse and amuse you !

Titel: Signspotting 2 : more absurd & amusing signs from around the world

Forfatter: Doug Lansky

Forlag: Lonely Planet

Udgivelsesår: 2007

Sider: 160

Sprog: Engelsk

Stand 60 %
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