The story of the lost child : maturity, old age af Elena Ferrante (Bog)

The story of the lost child : maturity, old age af Elena Ferrante (Bog)

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The story of the lost child : maturity, old age af Elena Ferrante (Bog)
The story of the lost child : maturity, old age af Elena Ferrante (Bog) The story of the lost child : maturity, old age af Elena Ferrante (Bog) The story of the lost child : maturity, old age af Elena Ferrante (Bog)

The story of the lost child : maturity, old age af Elena Ferrante (Bog)

Fra 54,00 kr

The Neapolitan Novels

The brilliant, bookish Elena and the fiery uncontainable Lila have made life's great discoveries, its vagaries and losses have been suffered. Both women once fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up - a prison of conformity, violence, and inviolable taboos. Now, in a Naples that is as seductive as it is perilous - and in a world undergoing epochal change - Lila and Elena clash, drift apart, reconcile, and clash again, in the process revealing new facets of their friendship

Forfatter: Elena Ferrante

Forlag: Europa Editions

Udgivelsesår: 2015

Sider: 473

Sprog: Engelsk

Stand 60 %
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