Living in . . . Brazil af Chloe Perkins (Bog)

Living in . . . Brazil af Chloe Perkins (Bog)

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Living in . . . Brazil af Chloe Perkins (Bog)

Fra 54,00 kr

Ready-to-Read Level 2

Just in time for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, discover what it’s like growing up in Brazil with this fascinating, nonfiction Level 2 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series all about kids just like you in countries around the world! Olá! My name is Marco, and I’m a kid just like you living in Brazil. Brazil is a country filled with beautiful rain forests, bustling cities, and world-class sports. Have you ever wondered what living in Brazil is like? Come along with me to find out! Each book is narrated by a kid growing up in their home country and is filled with fresh, modern illustrations as well as loads of history, geography, and cultural goodies that fit perfectly into Common Core standards. Join kids from all over the world on a globe-trotting adventure with the Living in… series—sure to be a hit with children, parents, educators, and librarians alike!

Forlag: Simon Spotlight

Udgivelsesår: 2016

Sprog: Engelsk

Stand 60 %
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