The Book of Sake af Philip Harper (Bog)

The Book of Sake af Philip Harper (Bog)

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The Book of Sake af Philip Harper (Bog)

Fra 76,00 kr

Forfattere: Philip Harper, Haruo Matsuzaki

Sprog: Engelsk

Antal sider: 110

Forlag: Kodansha International

Udgivelsesår: 2006

Once found only in sushi bars and Japanese restaurants, Sake now lines the shelves of gourmet food shops, supermarkets and restaurants of all persuasions, listed alongside the customary wine selections. Written by a Sake brewmaster, this book shows how to select a good sake and how to match an evening's selection with food. Once found only in sushi bars and Japanese restaurants, Sake now lines the shelves of gourmet food shops, supermarkets and restaurants of all persuasions, listed alongside the customary wine selections. With demand on the rise, the timing of The Book'

Titel: The Book of Sake

Forfatter: Philip Harper

Genre: Faglitteratur

Sammendrag: Harper’s book explains everything from the moldy brewing process to the best brands. Harper’s distilled humor permeates his entire guidebook and offers barrels of information.

Type: Paperback

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